Saturday, 23 June 2012

Arriving and My Apartment

Ok after a severely emotional few days before leaving, the time finally came to get on a plane, there were tears and many tequilas which helped quite a bit since almost everything was causing me to burst into tears at that point.  The flight itself was mostly sporadic sleeping whenever possible interjected by terrible airline food occasionally and I watched Delicacy (which I had planned to watch with some friends in Sydney before leaving, and so another burst of tears)

The stopover in Singapore highlighted something which I have always believed in which is travellers karma, a long time ago while flying to Japan I was desperate for a cigarette and a kind young American gave me his entire packet since he didn't really need them anymore.  At that moment it was the grandest gesture anyone could have made.

So when I was standing alone in the bar at the top of Singapore airport having a cigarette and a beer, I saw a guy desperately trying to find enough change for a beer, I strolled up and handed him ten Singapore dollars, it was as though I had just cured him of some terminal disease but I had no real use for it after that stopover.
My travellers karma was balanced and it made me oddly happy, since I was feeling so out of place and emotional myself.

The second leg of the flight was so much longer, I would doze off for what felt like hours only to find it had really been only 15 minutes, I would refer to the flight map on the entertainment system to see how much further only to be disappointed time and again that I was not yet anywhere near Europe.

Finally, I arrived, customs was incredibly quick and I found Ben at the airport waiting for me.

So most of the day was spent getting from Frankfurt to Hannover, and then racing around trying to get me established as quickly as possible.
My PC is now back together (obviously), my phone I need to get unlocked correctly to use here, but for the most part I am settled.
I had a delicious dinner with Ben and his wife Steffi who have been absolutely amazing in helping me to get here, and also to not feel quite so alone and terrified as I might have (though I am still quite emotional and scared to be honest)

I am settled into my apartment now and unpacked my suitcases, so I thought I would post a few pictures of what that is like for those that might be curious.

So here I am... I already miss everything, I already wonder if this was the right choice, and I definitely already wish the people who mean most to me were here with me.

And just because this is revisionist history time, here it is after I had been there for a few months.

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Just realised all my photos for this blog were hosted via Google Drive on my old account, guess I'll have to re-upload em all sometime. ...