Wednesday 29 October 2014

Super lazy unmotivated creature of Sloth

I haven't really traveled in awhile, and even when I did, I really just didn't feel like picking up my camera at any point.

And its not that there would have been nothing to take a picture of, it's just a general feeling of apathy recently.  Like I am just auto piloting along with no real highs or lows, just a general consistent flow of things.

I am trying to snap out of that... but it's not easy when your social contact is so heavily limited to Facebook or a handful of people.

I visited London for a Star Trek convention which was really fun and had my picture taken with the Next Generation crew (well most of them).
Somewhere back in time a very young Abigail would be astounded by that.

And yet jaded slightly empty feeling Abigail just floated through that moment as well.

In Sydney I would have considered myself an extrovert easily, I loved to be the center of attention and was constantly talking to new people.  And now I rarely talk to anyone unless there is some special need for it.
I don't honestly know which method is better, but I have a feeling I was happier when I was an extrovert and that being away from the source of so much amusement has not done anything good for my head.

All of the amazing moments, beautiful places, and once in a lifetime things I have done these past 2.5 years are great.  They are.  But they're not as great as regular hugs and conversations with people that actually MEAN something.

Anyway... this is my one emo post about this.  Just to vent.  And to apologize for those that expect more posts and I have not provided for.

Peace out kids.

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